Monday, January 29, 2024

The WATCHMAN ministry


JESUS tells all of us:

Mark 13:37

King James Version

37 And what I say unto you 

I say unto all, 


I had no idea it was going to be my work.

To be a watchman.

Even as all early indications pointed in that direction.

As a child, I would observe anything, everything, and everyone.

Not as a voyeur, but merely out of a love for learning.

And because of that, I'd study a lot.

I'd read every interesting book I can get hold of.

I'd listen to every interesting person who had something to teach.

I'd take note of everything that makes sense.

As an adult, I sold books I've read.

That I may buy more books.

Until such time, there was no more book to buy.

The worm reached the end of her leaf.

Nothing completed my research.

There was always something missing.

Until GOD made me born again.

And the very book I avoided, His book, became it.


Of course, GOD saved the best for last.

He wanted me to exhaust all research.

And yet, never finding absolute truth.

ABSOLUTE truth was His.

Reserved for those who care to know.

And this tenacious child of His wanted to know.

But first, a life experience.

Wherein she got her share of hits, and misses.

Of success, and failure.

Of pride, and being humbled.

Of cycles of boom, and bust.

Would that have made her an effective watchman?

Well, only GOD can determine that.

All in all, she was aware something was going on.

What, she initially couldn't put a finger on it.

Till GOD made her born again over four years ago.

That's when she found her career.

Rather, when GOD pointed out her career.

After 97 blogs, and 22 books on spiritual warfare, that seems established.

And now, this blog you're reading now.

A need for fortification.

If ruin occurs, a need to rebuild.

And definitely, a need to be on the lookout.

To have watchmen on the wall.

For the enemy prowls constantly.

1 Peter 5:8

King James Version

8 Be sober, be vigilant; 

because your adversary the devil, 

as a roaring lion, walketh about, 

seeking whom he may devour:

JESUS warned us -- "the kingdom of God is at hand":

Mark 1:15

King James Version

15 And saying, 

The time is fulfilled, 

and the kingdom of God is at hand: 

repent ye, 

and believe the gospel.

So, why should we dilly dally?

Why should we be complacent?

Why should we not be watchmen?

So, this child watches, writes, waits, and worships.

And warns you all the time.

Not because I'm a prophet.


I'm merely a Berean workman.

Faithful to the WORD of GOD.

JESUS tasked me to tell you about the Rapture.

Which could occur any moment.

If our hearts are not right with GOD, how can we meet JESUS in the air?

Even a child could understand a simple thing like that.

And if you had a childlike heart, your next question would be:

"How do I get right with GOD?"

We must be holy before GOD.

Our bodies will be changed, when the Rapture happens.

Incorruption, in place of corruption.

We need to be born again, of the SPIRIT.

That we may know, understand, and accept the non-negotiable gospel of CHRIST.

Unless we walk with SPIRIT, we walk with the devil.

As workman, and watchman, I can't not write about the devil's devices.

That's like telling me to please stop breathing.

Or to play dead, deaf, dumb, blind, and mute.

Won't happen.

Satan's finger is in every pie.

He's that greedy, vindictive, and desperate.

His influence encompasses everything in the world.

How can it not?

He is the god of this world:

2 Corinthians 4:4

King James Version

4 In whom the god of this world 

hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, 

lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, 

who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Now you see why we need to believe in JESUS.

Now you see why we need to know Scripture.

Now you see why we need the full armor of GOD.

That's the fortification we speak of.

How did the prophets of old warn people?

How did they perform their job as watchmen?

The next post tells us more.

Related material:




BEWARE false doctrines

BREAKING strongholds

The devil's DEVICES




Image: Mike Goad


 Zechariah 9:8 King James Version 8 And I will encamp about mine house  because of the army,  because of him that passeth by,  and because o...